Kristen S.

The last five years I’ve been on a journey to rediscover, remember or re-define my identity… maybe all of the above. Grieving the separation, and end of my divorce was not easy, and it was not cordial.

The divorce has been the theme of my pain and what propelled me into digging deep for healing. During the weekend learning and experiencing the Yothera Method I recognized that I really have grown in healthy areas of my life very beautifully. I used to be so insecure, living in fear, and ashamed. Those feelings have mostly gone away, but what I uncovered was a deeper need and call to action to heal from childhood abandonment.

Being able to see myself as I was, and see myself now was really rewarding. The old stories don’t really go away, but that old saying “time heals everything” feels very true for me. I am so thankful for all the experiences, such as this one…

Changing the patterns of my ancestry, being with people who love, and accept…. It is life-changing. And such an honor.

I am looking forward to working with you again someday Jess and I thank you so much.




Caryn G.